Guest Post: Alcohol is no excuse for Racial Violence

Strong words from Guest Blogger Anson Tse, a Peace Ambassadors volunteer with the Centre for Race and Culture:

“A hate crime was committed by four people belonging to the group Blood and Honour, a white supremacist neo-Nazi group, in Edmonton last month. Their motivation for attacking, like any other hate crime, was a difference– this time the difference being race.

Although the four men charged acted-out while intoxicated, the hateful philosophy advocated by their group was what caused them to target non-whites.

While it isn’t unusual for intoxication to cause a fight, a fight picked specifically against someone of different origin, while saying derogatory racial slurs at them cannot be blamed solely on alcohol. Embodying such hateful beliefs will only cause hateful behaviour, and this world already has enough hate.”

Thank you, Anson, for your words this week.

Fact of the Day-March 15th

Earliest Human Settlement of Canada
The earliest evidence of human settlement in Canada is found on the Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) in British Columbia.
The site at Nanu is dated beginning from 12,000 to 10,000 years ago.
Ice age hunters and gatherers left fluted stone tools and the remains of large butchered mammals. Nanu is unique because it is considered the site of the longest continuous human occupation in Canada.

Fact of the Day-Race did not originate with science

The concept of race did not originate with science.

On the contrary, science emerged in the late 18th century and helped validate existing racial ideas and “prove” a natural hierarchy of groups. Throughout our history, the search for racial differences has been fueled by preconceived notions of inferiority and superiority. Even today, scientists are influenced by their social context.

(Taken from PBS’s Race the Power of an Illusion)

Fact of the Day- Ancient views of Difference

400 BCE

The ancient Greeks differentiate people by culture and language, but not physical differences. In fact, the word “barbarian” comes from the Greek “barbar,” which means a person who stutters, is unintelligible, or does not speak Greek. Foreigners, including Africans, can be accepted as Greek citizens if they adopt the language, customs and dress. Conversely, Greece, like Rome, is an “equal opportunity” society that enslaves people regardless of appearance.

(Taken from PBS Race, the Power of an Illusion)

Racism rears its ugly, ugly head in Edmonton

See shocking accounts from the victims of racially motivated attacks right here in Edmonton (!).

What is also shocking is that the group not only the launched physical and verbal attacks against visible minorities, but that the White supremacist group was in town trying to recruit more support for their organized group based out of Calgary.

I hope that this group is unable to find fertile soil in Edmonton to grow their hate. Let’s make an effort to educate ourselves about racism this month (in which falls the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination).

Fact of the Day- Origins of “Caucasian”

1776 Marks the Birth of “Caucasian”
Johann Blumenbach, one of many 18th-century naturalists, lays out the scientific template for race in On the Natural Varieties of Mankind.
Although he opposes slavery, he maps a hierarchical pyramid of five human types, placing “Caucasians” at the top because he believes a skull found in the Caucasus Mountains is the “most beautiful form…from which…the others diverge.” This model is widely embraced, and Blumenbach inadvertently paves the way for scientific claims about white superiority. (Taken from Race the Power of an Illusion)


Fact of the Day

Skin colour is only skin deep. Most traits are inherited independently of one another. The genes for skin colour have nothing to do with genes for hair texture, eye shape, bloodtype, musical talent or athletic ability.

Fact of the Day

Race justified social inequalities as natural.

Fact of the Day: Race has No Genetic Basis

Not one characteristic, trait, or gene distinguishes all members of one so-called race from all members of another so-called race.

Look forward to more facts daily during the month of March for Understanding (commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination).